An organisation that is focused on raising the consciousness of the planet by providing quality coaching and guidance through our online courses. We are a growing platform aiming to provide one share point that people can go to for many resources and business listings.
My name is Crestina Drew and I have created Conscious Living Institute in the hopes of helping people break out of the matrix. I want to help people learn to live a more conscious life overall. After personally experiencing extensive traumatic experiences throughout my lifetime and yet overcoming them all enough to find peace and healing. I would like to help others find the same outcomes in their lives. Right now, Conscious Living Institute is all online, but the end goal is to create an onsite school and retreat for consciousness, which teaches and integrates all the healing alternate modalities. If this is something you align with feel free to contact me to share ideas.
A Bit about Me...
Conscious Living Institute was created with the aim of making an impact, in the hopes of helping people discover their inner truth. Acting as a container that can hopefully help facilitate the spaces that people need to transform their lives.
Everything is energy, and if we learn to work with that energy in the right ways, we can achieve amazing things. We can learn new ways to exist here on Earth. When we embrace love and worthiness for ourselves we experience deep love with those around us. When we learn to hold our boundaries in order to respect and protect ourselves we take our power back. We become sovereign.
However, it can take a lot of work to overcome decades of external and internal programming that keeps us stuck in destructive and limiting patterns, it can take time to learn new ways to operate.
When we understand that the universe is our mirror, when we can take ownership for the fact that our currently realities are the way they are, because we believe it to be that way. Then it stands to reason that if we change our beliefs and convictions, we can change our realities.
This is where my *Reality Transformation Program was born. By using a variety of modalities and processes that myself and others have used to shift the inner beliefs, emotions and convictions I combined everything in such a way that the program I developed is extensive and has proven results. Why should we accept the life as we've been shown. We can choose what we want to believe and how we operate in this world. That alone is a huge breakthrough for a lot of people.
Five years ago my life was shattered into a million pieces for the third time in this lifetime, where I found myself emotionally broken from intense sudden abuse, I had lost half my family and all my friends, all my financial security and was suddenly homeless with 3 kids having to move back in with my parents, until I could find a place for us to stay. I knew intuitively through all this, that it was all way to much stuff in one hit, to just be a coincidence. I knew that I was finished with that path I was then walking, that I had done all I could there. For some reason the universe was forcefully stripping me of all I had been identifying myself with.
I had no choice but to surrender and let myself move through the pain, once I had gotten over the immense hurdle of finding my own place, and the sudden loss of my ex-father in-law, I allowed myself to break down and I pretty much cried for 18 months... During that crying grieving period I practiced and studied meditation, and through the breaking away of every thing I was once knew to be, I rediscovered who I truly was. I went through a spiritual awakening, I let go of the labels and limiting beliefs that had held me back and made me choose unhealthy and toxic situations. I've had incredible Satori (enlightening) experiences, that shifted my understanding of reality in an instant. There is no going back after that knowledge was discovered. The knowledge that I am one with all things, that the world we live in is an illusion, it is a mirror that responds to what I believe of it and myself, I create my reality and I am a fraction of source energy discovering myself through this journey.
I pivoted my whole understanding of my existence from believing I had a soul, a mind and a body. To truly knowing that I was the soul that had a mind and had a body. I was an energetic frequency, living the density of human existence. I no longer identify as a human, I am a frequency, a spiritual energetic being living this lifetime in a physically manifested suit called Crestina. I know that the suit is a miracle of creation in itself but that is just the physical representation of the 'soul' I am, for my current purpose on Earth. It's taken a few years to ingrate that knowledge.
I know my purpose on Earth now, this is what the universe was telling me. After 20 years of dedicating myself to kids and family, it was time to transition, dedicating my time to helping others grow and heal into their best expressions. All my pain was for a reason, and it has become my purpose. I am here to help as many people wake up to their own divinity, to their own innate healing capabilities.
If you’re in a space where you know that your thoughts, beliefs and convictions change your reality but are still struggling to shift your reality, if you feel stuck, believe me when I say I know how you feel! I sat there for a couple of years knowing what my core wounds were, knowing how my core beliefs were manifesting in my life and how they manifested all the experiences from my past. Yet I still couldn’t figure out how to fully change them, how to rise above them and become a new version of "Crestina".
If you are interested in working with me please contact me direct for more information.. See more here.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
0420 712 699