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Perception = Perspective! = Reality!

Writer's picture: Crestina DrewCrestina Drew

More and more as I travel this spiritual path, I keep coming back to the same conclusion! Nothing really matters, not really! Everything in your life is purely based on the way you perceive it! So, your perspective determines your experience! Change your perspective and you literally change your reality! Every-time I have a question about how we manifest or why we manifest specific outcomes and then also why certain things did manifest in the past etc… it literally always comes back to the way I am looking at something, my beliefs, and thoughts around it... And the way that I look at something is completely different to how some-one else looks at it… which is why what manifests and what may affect me in a certain way, won’t affect someone else in the same way! Even if we see the same event. Just like the Buddhist parable of the 7 blind monks and the Elephant...

Really, it comes back to what meaning you give something, for example if you have a bad day. Do you perceive it as your whole life sucks, or simply the reality of that being a bad 20 minutes and let it go at that?! I personally find it hard to live in the space that I can let something go instantly but because I am aware of this being the case. I try to find an alternative way of looking at it than I have been conditioned too, I try to hold the perspective that some things are not what they may seem at first to me. I try to be conscious of the fact that how I am seeing something is based on my previous life experiences and traumas and I try to allow space for my initial perception, to dissipate especially if it triggers heavy thoughts and emotions, I then try to be as objective as possible with what I know.

Furthermore, it comes back to the ability to understand that what enables you to be a more compassionate, well-balanced human being. Is knowing that regardless of the types of experiences you have gone through, what someone else may experience is no lesser or more, in value or intensity just because it may seem ‘not as bad” or worse that what you went through! Pain is pain, regardless of source or reason. So, it’s not about comparison, it’s about compassion, kindness and being patient with everyone and everything around us. Everyone is travelling their own path and we are all walking each other home.

The thing is, it's not easy for people to consciously choose to change their perspective, change can be hard for some people... I have seen people go to extra-ordinary lengths to avoid change... so I understand that. Even when you are aware that your perception creates your perspective, and you are open to change... it can be hard to find a new way of looking at something, because sometimes you don't know what to change it too! Unless we are given an alternative view point (and this is where talking to people is really helpful)!

When we go down to the energetic level, the understanding that there is no right, wrong, good, or bad! That it’s all one thing, and we need to be consciously aware that we are living in the illusion of Maya. The 3D universe is based in duality and so is our minds, and that in turn dictates the way we have been conditioned to perceive whatever we experience. We have to remember that we are soul living a human life and that we are meant to feel the density and duality of the human world. But we do have a choice! We can live in both (or try to lol) equally…

To get out of the illusion of Maya, we need to see that EVERYTHING is energy... it’s not positive, it’s not negative... It's both! There is no good, or bad... or right versus wrong! It’s both! There isn't something and nothing, it’s all things and no one thing!... The reality is, that both sides, both extremes that we perceive is everything! No matter what is, it is equal in value, it’s one thing! The silence is just as loud as the noise! The emptiness is just as full as the solid things… its all the same just perceived differently. In order to stay in a space that is neutral, so that we are not reacting or perceiving from a space of pre-conditioned responses. We need to release judgement and emotional attachment to outcomes. Have desires and goals, sure… but don’t be reliant on things going as expected… They may, but to be in a space that it doesn’t matter if it does or doesn’t is ideal.

So, what prompted me to write about this came because I have recently had an extremely unique experience! I've recently been dealing with a situation in my world that has been relatively challenging to experience. This unique experience completely changed my whole perspective in the space of minutes and I went from being extremely anxious to completely at ease... it was incredibly profound and I know something "magical" happened because it's never happened like that before! Well not for me, and not at that calibre of fullness!

Some people would call it a download and it almost feels like that in a way, because as I sat there suddenly in deep meditative state, I decided to allow my worries and concerns to arise in front of “me” as they needed to, and I decided I would stay completely in the space of just observing it all, no judgement, just looking. In the hopes of possibly seeing something that could gain me a different insight... You know how sometimes stepping back from something and being the one who is on the outside looking in can give you a different view… well that was my intention...

And suddenly was then "given" a bunch of knowledge and ultimately what seems like guidance about what was happening! This ultimately gave me a completely different perspective of what was happening in my life. For me it was one, I recently unlocked a huge layer of repressed emotions… Primarily anger and resentment and though I had worked through those, this situation was partly a final oscillation of that energy working its way out of my field. Secondly, this was the universe re-arranging things in my physical world to be more in alignment with my vibration of peace. Anything that wasn’t vibrating with my frequency was being pushed away. Even though its been painful to experience I now know intuitively that in order for my new world to manifest, at a higher vibration! certain things need to be re-arranged to accommodate for that... And I just have to step back and release the need to control, to let it flow. Maintain my high vibration and continue my self-love journey… And of course surrender and trust the universe inexplicably!

It's hard to stay comfortable in the unknown, but that is the space where life happens. That is where if you can sit in that space miracles can happen! More so, surrender… this path is a constant surrendering of everything over and over again… the only way I have seemed to find any measure of acceptance has been in the moments of complete anguish, I have no other option but to surrender! From there its just more and more peace and acceptance of what is, what has been and of course whatever will be!

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