So, if you’ve read through my blog, I’m sure you will have noticed that I feel extremely strongly about the fact that you become what you are being, so therefore what you think are. Now let’s take it one step deeper and look at what makes your thoughts an actual thought… that being words! Collections of words really… Since I was a teenager, I came to the very deep realisation that words are so powerful, they have the power to cause death, life, hope, security, depression and so much more… I know that the words spoken to me have literally shaped my whole life, they’ve created my deepest wounds and my highest self-esteem… In my early 20’s even more so I learnt how much our personal emotions drive our wording in any given situation, and I started learning how to control my emotions.
Now however I am conscious enough that we get to choose how we respond to the external world of input and that outside world is simply a reflection of my inner world. In order to change what I’m experiencing I need to change my internal space so that the reflection is more in alignment with who I truly am... It’s also important to mention that we are also given external circumstances (from god, the universe or source whichever) that are a ways of testing our current growth, as well as showing or forcing us to grow further… at its deepest level we chose this life, these circumstances and we accounted for every possible decision we could make. We chose this in order to allow evolution, expansion and ultimately growth and experience of consciousness, god, source whichever you want to label it as.
These choices ultimately make us become the forward influencing adults that we as humans become, (regardless of whether it’s a positive or negative influence). Even though the we usually birth the next generation of souls into earth and they also choose the path of experiences they feel would work best for their individual soul expression, that does not mean we cannot choose to become more conscious than not. One of the most fundamental ways to do that is primarily to become more intentional with our words and actions, and so then at its core our thoughts, emotions and reaction’s about any given subject. We take what we’ve learnt, and we take how we’ve adapted that, and we impart that onto the people around us and especially our children. We do so by expressing our beliefs and assumptions with words and actions... Again, how and in what way comes down to how we interpret the experience, it’s always subjective.
Personally, words are so meaningful to me… and I try always to use them intentionally and accordingly. I like to honour people with my words in a way. That’s why I like to write. I’m not 100% with it but I do try especially within certain contexts and areas of my life. When it comes to raising my children and in personal relationships, I try to be especially conscious of what I say and how it may come across, of how it may not only affect them now but in the future. Like I don’t say affectionate words to just anyone, I reserve that for people who are meaningful to me and I love the power in a person’s name. I feel that certain words can become diluted when people will say whatever to whoever… It makes it hard to take people seriously when you know that they are openly or overly affectionate towards everyone they meet…! It’s important to note that there is a difference to being kind and courteous to people, and becoming overly personal and affectionate with just anyone!
This goes the other way of course and from experience with dealing with people who are not conscious of how they use their words, those people become incapable of recognising or respecting people in general and especially unable to recognise or acknowledge when others use words intentionally or in a healthy way. Then again there are some people that do know how to use their words to cause pain, to use them in malicious ways. These are the people that are either to damaged and selfish to care about anything but themselves or so damaged they do it automatically because they have learnt from previous experiences that this is how they get their way in situations, pretty much unconscious selfishness!
Either way both these categories of unconsciousness is harmful to other humans. This is something I decided since I was a teenager that I would not do, I decided that I did not want to be a bully or hurt people, the way I had been. I believe this takes a certain empathy and a personal choice. I never allowed myself the appreciation to acknowledge how glad I am that I made that choice… I do now, especially knowing how many people go the other way when faced with the same choices.
However if I wasn’t as aware about how people need to go on different paths (we are all just walking each other home), I would probably get triggered by how careless people can be with their words in general everyday life. I have always generally been about “each to their own” but there is still a part of me that thinks that when you hit a certain age, humans should generally become mature enough to be considerate of how their words and actions affect others. Low and behold I am still woefully ignorant and get shocked that this is not the case… and more and more I have to keep coming back to the same conclusion that just because I am a certain way it does not mean that others are too… and that’s okay, luckily, we are not tree’s and we can remove ourselves from negative and harmful situations if we need be.
Luckily, we can learn to be discerning enough to be able to identify and then choose what energy we want around us at any given time. Though children cannot, and they are who matter the most… simply because they cannot just remove themselves from harm. My heart bleeds when I find out that children are in unhealthy situations no matter if its classified as minor or extreme, its all pain, and pain is universally damaging regardless of reason.
Ultimately we have so many damaged children being brought up by parents acting out of unconscious behaviour patterns. Its why we have had generation after generation of hurt people trying to survive rather than thriving. I feel if we changed the way we talk about certain things we could change the direction of humanity… and to be honest in the last 10/15 years I have noticed a massive shift taking place in the awareness around mental health, self-talk and the importance of going within and healing. It started small and the momentum has moved so fast with it now becoming a high priority in the corporate workplace even. More and more these days you see bosses encouraging more time for their employees to destress, re-centre and become rejuvenated. They know that a more grounded and centred person is more productive. So, they allow time for meditation, massage and mental health practices. This could not be a better pathway for the success and healthy evolution of humanity.
I feel that becoming conscious of the words we say to others, starts with how we talk to ourselves. Moreover, that starts with how we feel about ourselves, when we feel good about ourselves, we generally want to make others feel good about themselves too. It also comes back to empathy and compassion, when we know how much something hurts us, some of us tend to never want to hurt others in the same way. I say some of us because I know this is not universal… and the saying “hurt people, hurt people” didn’t arise for nothing. I feel the more introspection we have the better, the more conscious we an become about how we choose to impart our energy on others, the better for all…
No-one is perfect and that is not what I am trying to suggest here, we are human, and humans are fluid creatures. However, we are capable of change and evolution, and that s what I am suggesting that instead if sitting in the belief “that’s what I know, so therefore that is what I am” which is dare a I say, a cop out! We are able and should strive for more knowledge, more information especially if it allows us to live healthier and more fulfilling lives. If it means that we don’t hurt other people in the same, we have been hurt. I feel that I have personally been blessed with a growth mindset, I have by no means been a perfectly well-behaved human (I don’t even know what standards I am referencing as perfect! Ha!) anyway I have lived on the streets, I have used drugs as an escape in my younger years, I have had resentment and wanted revenge… I have used anger in damaging ways rather than productive ways. I have said things in the heat of the moment that I regret, and I know that the choices I have made have hurt people, never with the intention of hurting them but sometimes it’s been unavoidable.
However, from as young as I can remember I’ve been a reflective person. I have always stopped and tried to question everything around me… and most of the time I didn’t have the right guidance around me… I didn’t have the right behaviours or people who had my best interests at heart around me. I had to figure things out myself, as a teenager I would go the library and research things I needed or wanted to learn about… as an adult I am luckily to have the knowledge of the world at my fingertips… but like books its still a matter of sifting through people opinions and finding what resonates with you as truth (even though that’s subjective in itself). There is and was lots of trial and error and that’s completely fine. At least I am always trying to grow, to expand beyond my current circumstances.
I just think that using excuses for why we as a species cannot become more conscious and intentional is detrimental to ourselves, our children, and future generations! I feel that if we continue to operate on autopilot, we will continue the cycles of abuse, neglect, and damage that we still see in this day and age. I also want to add how using recreational drugs and alcohol regularly, is probably one of the worst things a human could do to themselves. It clouds our mental clarity and the ability from even wanting to consider growing or expanding beyond what we currently know. Usually, it will take hitting rock bottom in every possible way before a human in this situation decides to change and that is sometimes for the best when people are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Sounds harsh, and I say it from experience but sometimes it takes having nothing more to lose that makes us gain the courage for dramatic change.

I’m going to round this out by concluding yet again with how powerful our words and how we use our words is. We literally shape our reality by our thoughts alone. The placebo affect is the very proof that what we believe we create.
A perfect example would be aging. Humans follow this belief that we live a good 70 years and then we die! What the hell even is that!? We usually do, but and only because we believe that, we are capable of regeneration well past 70, 80 or even 100! Monks and people who practice living lives of health, love and compassion have proven to live well in to their 100’s and even up to 500”s… Research it, it is documented and very possible! And I’m talking with good quality of life too! Again the more and more research that is done the more we learn that our beliefs shape our realty! As I’m just about to hit my 40's, it frustrates me to no end to hear people say “oh I’m getting to old for that!”, I’m an old person now!” or worse yet telling me I'm getting to old" Literally what the fuck! You are telling yourself to age! And 'm sorry but I will determine my age and vitality. So I challenge you the reader to tell yourself these things instead, “I am the healthiest and fittest I have ever been, and I am only getting stronger every day!” Tell yourself that "my body is capable of regenerating and healing anything, it is designed to do just that”. The mind, the words you ALLOW in your mind can determine EVERYTHING in your life. Your body is an ever-evolving biological expression of our beliefs about life, living and how think of ourselves. Feed it goodness, feed it positive thoughts, be open in our conclusions, not limiting! Use your words with clear and concise intention!
I hope this was entertaining and in some way helpful :)