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1:1 Private Meditation and Manifestation Coaching

1:1 Private Meditation and Manifestation Coaching

I work with you one on one, to help you find your own way to meditate. I help guide you to build a daily practice that fits in with your lifestyle and I will help guide you into a practice of daily manifestation techniques that can only benefit your life as a whole. Sometimes what we need iis someone else to be accountable to, this helps us feel like we have to achieve the desired outcome. My 6 week course means that by the end of the 6 weeks you will have formed substantial new habits and routines. Not to mention a wealth of knowledge and guidance to support your development and discovery of self.


This can be done via zoom or in person 🙏


- Access to our online forum where you can connect with other like minded individual on the journey.

- New mind setting matrix that you can use as a tool to manifest your best life.

- This includes 6 sessions that can be done weekly or fortnightly according to your availability.

  • 1:1 Private Meditation and Manifestation Coaching

    Meditation is a gateway technique to the quantum realm, its the only way to truly go within and discover your true self.

    Sitting in stillness allows us to become the observer of our current reality. And with dedicated meditation practice it can become the very tool in which we create our reality. Meditation is not just for the spiritually orientated, did you know that over 80% of the most successful and  richest people in the world have a daily meditation practice.

    Private Meditation Coaching Sessions allows you to customize your training schedule to fit your life and focus on the issues and challenges you are facing in your daily lifestyle. It helps you be accountable to someone who can guide and help set you up for your best life.

    Our Private Meditation Coaching Programs are designed for beginners and those who already practice meditation. For those that want to reconnect or move forward with their practices and prefer to take meditation classes by themselves, or with friends/family/co-workers, in the privacy of their homes, at their offices, at teacher’s place and/or online sessions via Skype.

    Even though some people are comfortable meditating in a group setting, there are those who wish to meditate in private with an experienced meditation teacher. Private Meditation Coaching also enables us to really focus on an individual’s needs or the needs of a small group that shares similar interests or possibly has similar issues and desired outcomes.

    In a private coaching session, the meditation will be specifically tailored for those attending. These sessions are a very powerful experience as the journey will be about addressing one or more issues that people are facing and embarking when it comes to the self-realization journey.


    If you are not happy with our service after the first session of coaching, you can cancel your purchase and get a full refund of the remaining sessions. 

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