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Divine Feminine Retreat

Divine Feminine Retreat

This is a full one day retreat for those the want a fully catered experience.


This is the half day option for those the want a more time efficient option. 


Energy is fluid and not gender specific. Divine Feminine Energy resides in all beings, the Yin to the Yang. This half day workshop or our other option of a full day Divine Feminine workshop would be perfect for a hens day or birthday entertainment.


It's a beautiful way honouring our feminity , showing yourself love and respect. Tap into that divine goddess energy, that encompasses your flow, surrender and creativity... Spend some time being present in the moment whilst you let your essence flourish in your creations.


This workshops caters to 13+ and is a great experience to share with those you love and cherish.

  • Workshop Information

    According to yoga philosophy, the male energy is known as Shiva and the female energy is known as Shakti. The male energy is symbolized by the sun and the feminine by the moon. These complementary energetic channels within the body are known as Nadis (the word meaning a stream) though which Prana (life force) circulates.

    This workshop is aimed at embracing the true gentle but fierce feminine energy that resides within. The feminine part of ourselves is perhaps more subtle in a society that is highly masculine driven.

    Feminine is governed by creativity, fluidity, intuition, receptivity, dreams, and emotion. This is a necessary counterbalance to the masculine. I like to visualize the feminine part of ourselves as a watery liquid, as in it flows, and yet it must be contained by the strength of the masculine otherwise it is dispersed. Dispersed feminine energy may feel like being out of control, ungrounded, irritable, restricted, trapped and lonely.

    When we operate primarily from our masculine side, we may feel tired, stressed, overworked or unloved as a result. When we feel overworked, moving about life on autopilot, too much in our heads and not enough in our bodies, and/or we are experiencing a lack of intimacy in our lives, it is likely a re-fuel of the feminine is in order.

    This day workshop is designed for us to help you bring more into focus the sensual and recieving side of our nature. To allow us to bring into celebration our subtle strength of surrender. 

    This is a full day workshop, lunch and snacks  are provided. We will start at 8am and  go until 4pm.

    Please bring a friend, booking can only be made with a minimum of 4 participants due to cost of running the workshop needing to be covered. 

    $380.00 each and minimum 4 people.

    Please contact us directly to find out all our unique inclusions. If you are booking for party or celebratory entertainment we are able to come to you, please see us about area availability.

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